Act Younger when you’re older

1.    Do things faster
The most telling sign of old age is slowing down. Driving slowly, walking at a snail’s pace and even speaking slowly. Why not consciously speed up? Interestingly, unless you have a bad hip, knee or back you can decide to just – well – go faster! Having a physical issue that prevents fast moving doesn’t prevent you from talking a little faster. I know I’m going to get lambasted for this one by those who are physically or mentally incapacitated…but I know plenty of people who are not and are still slower! It’s a sure give-away!

2.       Be interested
If you think about people who are ‘amazing for their age’ they are generally people who have retained a curiosity, and interest, a purpose in life. Some are even obsessed (think of David Attenborough). Having a focus for the brain (other than just relaxing, playing golf, cruising or some other retirement pastime) is a way to connect with younger people through an area of focus. It is also a way to keep the brain sharp and focused.

3.       Talk about the future
The joke about old age is that when a group of elders gather together, they automatically start to talk about people they know who have died or their own or other’s illnesses. Stop it! Start talking about things ahead, opportunities and possibilities. Sorry for the double negative but Just because you might not be around doesn’t mean you can’t talk about the future (sorry, triple negative)! Also make sure you spend as much time with younger or mixed age groups or your older group will re-enforce itself!

4.       Dress younger
Whether it’s true or not, older people are expected to dress ‘safely’ in a boring and ‘old’ way. Defy this. Wear colour, experiment with styles and break away from that retirement uniform! Try wearing jeans, tee-shirts and walking shoes (this will look even better if you walk regularly).
Strangely, all of the above will make you feel younger as well as look it. The fact that you brain adjusts to reflect your behaviour also means that these simple acts can improve your thinking as well. Some people are looking old by the time they are 50, others would not be classified as old well into their 70’s. Make sure that you are ‘ageless’!
