Wise Leadership Practices - Role Modelling

There has been so much theory about effective leadership over the past 30 years. No wonder people become confused and feel under qualified.  I would like to highlight some simple wise practices with examples. These will work for any leader in any situation.

Leaders role model the behaviours they want. Note that I didn’t say that leaders are role models. This is a practice not a personality trait. Over time the regular practice of role modelling will lead to a reputation for being a role model. This is not an aspect of leadership that is genetically given to us although it will develop into a habitual trait if we practice it. We are not born as role models – we earn that description because we actually act as a role model for those things that we believe in.

Many years ago when I was working in London, I experienced a CEO who excelled at role modelling. It is hard to imagine today, but 30 years ago virtually everyone smoked. Our offices, in a beautiful building on the Mall, had an equally grand front door step. However, staff and customers regularly stubbed out their cigarettes on the step.First thing in the morning, it was like walking through a rubbish bin.

Our CEO, John Garnett, decided it was time to clean up the entrance and make it look smart; after all it was the first experience the customer had of our building. John didn’t smoke. He asked us to pick up our cigarette ends at one of our monthly meetings. Nothing happened. I (like other staff) felt it was someone else’s job - after all, I wasn’t the only smoker.

A few days later, I felt embarrassed when I arrived at work. There was John on his knees picking up cigarette ends at 8-30 in the morning before the first customers arrived. Others also felt awkward. Needless to say, from that day on the step was clean every morning and John never had to pick up the ends again!

I learned that this was typical of John. If he wanted us to do something, he was always prepared to do it himself. He was a role model for anything he expected of us. He was a wise leader.

Have you ever experienced a leader who role modelled and changed your behaviour? If you have, you will know the power of this simple wise leadership practice.


  1. Hello Janis,

    I am really intrigued by your thoughts on
    Leadership Practices . Your re-telling of this account and of role modeling is an excellent way of expressing leadership practices. I believe in a kind of ripple effect sort of flowing from top to bottom. This conveys that idea. thanks for posting this!


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  3. Thanks for taking the time to check out my site Janis! I love blogging and definitely try to give my honest and practical point of view to everything and anything I can that is business related. I am so happy you found it useful and appreciate you spreading the word. I'll do the same. Have a wonderful day!


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